Thursday 1 January 2015

Resolutions 2015!

A new year and a new set of resolutions....Are they really new? Mostly no. For me, most of my new year resolutions remain fresh at the year end too....What is it with these resolutions that they are so difficult to achieve? Am I too hard on myself? or am I not too serious about them?

So finally I have decided to try something new this year. Initially I had more or less given up on coming up with the list itself looking at my success rate! But then I never quit:)

I came across the TED talk below and I really am hopeful 2015 is the year of changes for me :)

Lets watch out. Below is a new year quote I really liked.
“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come,
Whispering 'it will be happier'...”
― Alfred Tennyson
So signing off today on a positive note:)

I Love To....

I love to fly like a kite spreading my wings...
I love to swim like a shark to the depth of the sea...
I love to hop along with Kangaroos on the roads leading nowhere..
I love to dance in the rain washing away all my worries...
I love to travel through my dreams to my fantasy land...
Where its all love and hugs and beauty around!

The story of Sky & Sea

I have built a house of dreams on the shore of a beautiful sea…
It was white and pure and the sea was bounderyless…
Sky came down and touched the water..
And he whispered to the sea all along…
She giggled spreading the waves…
Felt she was deep in love…
It was eternal, they knew that…
And they will be young always…
I was watching and was hoping….
How it feels to be the sea…